What a Locksmith Does

As a full-service locksmith in the Hawaiian Islands, we work hard to provide locksmith services for homeowners, renters, business owners, and commuters. What exactly do we do?
If you have an issue with your home's or business's security features (locks, keys, electronic security system), we can fix the problem or replace whatever is broken. If something goes wrong with your car's locks, keys, fob device, or ignition system, we can solve that problem as well. If you get locked out of your home, business, or car, we can help you gain entry and provide key duplicates or replacements when needed. If you just need a security consultation, we can do that as well.
Bottom line: A good locksmith will do whatever is necessary to make sure your home, business, and or car are secure and safe.
What an Acura Locksmith in Honolulu Can Do for You

As a top-rated automotive locksmith, we can help you as follows:
- Car lockout service - car doors and trunks
- Car door lock Repair & replacement
- Rekey locks
- Car key duplicates and replacements
- Acura key fob replacement or repair with programming
- Ignition system repairs and replacement
Here are more details for your convenience:
- Car lockout service
We consider lockouts to be very serious situations. When we get a call for lockout service, we go into emergency response mode to ensure you aren't stranded in a bad situation. When we arrive on the scene, we have a variety of ways to open car doors and trunks. We can gain entry into most cars in a minute or two. Proof of identification might be required.
- Car door lock repair & replacement
Car door locks have moving parts, and moving parts are always subject to breaking or malfunctioning. If a lock can be repaired, we repair it. If it can't be repaired, we'll replace it with the same kind of lock or something better. Our lock repair and replacement service only takes about 30-60 minutes for us to complete, depending on the lock type.
- Rekey locks
We offer this solution if a car lock has been compromised or to prevent unwanted access. Your lock will have been compromised if you lose your keys or know of someone who has a valid key but you want to deny them access for any reason. A single car lock can usually be rekeyed in 30 minutes or less.
- Car Key duplicates and replacement
We can cut car keys in our mobile units with or without the original key. If we don't have access to the original key, you would need to provide documentation that confirms your identity and further documentation that supports your right to access the car in question. Key cutting only takes a minute or two per key. Note: Our key replacement costs are minimal.
- Acura key fob replacement or repair with programming
If you lose or break your car's keyless entry device, we have you covered. If an Acura key fob replacement is needed, we'll have to start by locating the proper device. Once we have the right device, we can usually handle the key fob programming in 30 minutes or less as long as we have access to the car's VIN#. Key fob repairs include casing repair and key replacement battery for the fob battery.
- Ignition system repairs and replacement
Yes, our locksmith technicians have some skills that are comparable to a well-trained auto mechanic. That gives them the ability to fix ignition systems or install new ones when needed. Our ignition locksmith services are available for all car years, makes, and models.
Honolulu’s Finest Acura Locksmith

It's not a mistake that we are considered one of the best locksmiths in Hawaii. We earned that reputation by offering:
- Emergency response times of 30 minutes or less
- Licensed and bonded locksmiths available 24/7/365
- Quality customer services
- Fair and affordable pricing
- Always 100% guarantee our materials and services